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"Title of Article: Real-Time Control and Optimization for Heat Treaters”
Industrial Heating Magazine| May 2002| Sandeep Banga| CompAS Controls, Inc.

The article emphasizes the importance of mathematical models in furnace control systems through the use of LINEMOD software. It describes the inner workings of the software, its design and architecture. Considering how Internet is influencing modern day manufacturing operations, the latter part of the article is devoted to an Internet application that works in conjunction with the online software and enables joint problem solving by sharing of process information.

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"Title of Artcile: Adaptive Control System Under Development for Continuous Furnaces”
Industrial Heating Magazine| March 2000|Hill Nandi & William A. Ruhe| CompAS Controls, Inc.

The article describes a state of the art universal supervisory system that is under development for monitoring, controlling and diagnosis of continuous furnaces. When applied to a furnace equipped with properly functioning process controls, the system can help determine furnace operating parameters for new products within the furnace design constraints.

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"Title of Paper: Collaborative Monitoring and Control of Sintering Using a Web-based Technology”
PMTEC 02| June 2002| Sanjay Murthy| CompAS Controls, Inc.

This paper describes a secure web-based technique that enables remote accessibility and monitoring of real-time process data, thereby facilitating collective problem solving, joint troubleshooting, remote process viewing and analysis. Implementation of this technology helps improve the overall productivity of the sintering process by networking internal sintering operations with external supporting resources.

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"Title of Paper: A Methodology for Evaluating Sinter-Hardening Capability”
PMTEC 01| May 2002|Hill K. Nandi, CompAS Controls, Inc.|Mike Pershing, Caterpillar Inc.

The cost advantages of eliminating secondary heat treat operations by using sinter-hardening powders have become evident. The growth of high hardenability powders for ferrous powder metal components necessitates some methodology for determining the appropriate furnace cooling rate and powder alloy that will accommodate sufficient hardening of different sized parts.

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"Title of Paper: A New Generation of Adaptive Supervisory Control and Monitoring System for Sintering/Heat-Treating Furnaces”
ASM 2000| October 2000|Hill K. Nandi, CompAS Controls, Inc.|Al Casagranda, CTC Corp.

The heat treatment and sintering processes are dependent on time, temperature, and atmosphere. Precisely monitoring and controlling each of these parameters can result in higher productivity and improved part quality. The LINEMOD supervisory control and monitoring software addresses these issues by estimating the thermal and physical conditions inside a furnace using mathematical models.

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"Title of Paper: On-Line Modeling and New Generation of Supervisory Control System for Sintering Furnaces”
Second Intl. Conf. on Science, Tech., and Applications of Sintering '99| May 1999|Hill K. Nandi, William K. Ruhe| CompAS Controls, Inc.

LINEMOD is a state-of-the-art universal supervisory control system for monitoring, controlling, and diagnosing sintering furnaces. When applied to a furnace equipped with properly functioning process controls, LINEMOD will improve quality and consistency in heating while substantially lowering gas and fuel consumption. In addition, it can help determine furnace operating parameters for new products within the furnace design constraints.

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